The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163413 Message #3898672
Posted By: Richie
10-Jan-18 - 07:58 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Seventeen Come Sunday/Waukrife Mammy
Subject: RE: Origins: Seventeen Come Sunday/Waukrife Mammy
TY. Tradsinger (Gwilym) for providing the site for those four versions of "Seventeen Come Sunday" -- it's a very fine and excellent site.
Before we get to Seventeen Come Sunday (our master title) I'd like to look at these early Scottish (possibly English) which date, according to Thomas Lyle, to the 1750s (before Burns time, he was born, I believe, in 1759).
The Burns' version, which according to Cunningham was from tradition and his pen is dated circa 1788.