The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163413 Message #3899227
Posted By: Richie
12-Jan-18 - 09:56 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Seventeen Come Sunday/Waukrife Mammy
Subject: RE: Origins: Seventeen Come Sunday/Waukrife Mammy
Steve-- eventually we might find what "sketches" means -- and it does seem like a physical object.
Big Al-- Christy Moore's arrangement, which has some confused text, is not the right song- it's an Irish version of Trooper and the Maid. I'm not exactly sure what 1) your first question is. Perhaps you can explain again. These are the "Seventeen Come Sunday" songs and have the questions "Will you take a man" "How old are you" "Where do you live" and usually start with "Where are you going."