The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163425   Message #3899560
Posted By: Jackaroodave
14-Jan-18 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Foul Mouthed trump!
Subject: RE: BS: Foul Mouthed trump!
Ians, I'm sorry, but I can't quite follow your reasoning: You seem to feel that if we leftist snowflakes were exposed to the massive suffering in Africa and Asia, and if we realized it was the product of global turbocapitalism, facilitated by CIA assassinations and the like, the scales would fall from our eyes and we would embrace the right-wing position of yourself and Jon Rappoport.

Frankly, this does not seem likely: There must be some missing steps that people can mentally supply who are familiar with your arguments. I'm not, so help me out here.

As I read the Rappoport piece, one point struck me as anomalous. He addresses the suffering Africans thus:

"You do care about medical teams that sweep through the neighborhood and vaccinate everyone, because you?ve seen adults and children die after the shots."

Looking around, I find that Rappoport believes, among other interesting things, that diseases are caused not by germs, but instead--not in addition--by the inability of a weakened body to resist them. In particular, AIDS is not caused by HIV, but rather by "viral inhibitors like AZT."

Is this part of the overall program as well?