The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162666   Message #3900478
Posted By: GUEST,Derek Schofield
19-Jan-18 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: New Book: Folk Song in England
Subject: RE: New Book: Folk Song in England
Jim wrote: "I hope this subject will run and run until the issues raised in the book are thrashed out honestly and in detail, if not here, than elsewhere."

Can we suggest somewhere else then?

Perhaps a well-written, evidence-based refuting of the aspect of Steve's book that you object to most, placed in an academic journal.

I know you don't want to write a book ... you expressed in no uncertain, and rather rude, terms my suggestion that you could write a book as "Elitist, Ivory tower crap" ... though I'm not so sure why. I know you own lots of books written by other people.

It's all very well saying that you will run and run with the argument, but is there anyone on this thread that agrees with you, or who has changed their views because of your arguments?

These are genuine questions.

Sue Allan's post was good ... evidence-based information. And she is the same Sue who has a PhD.