The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163374   Message #3900716
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-Jan-18 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another year, same old story
Subject: RE: BS: Another year, same old story
Well, as an anti-religious bigot meself, I find it rather strange to look back at many of my posts to do with religion that relate the positives and the humorous side of being brought up a Catholic, taught by the Salesians indeed, including some of the harmless absurdities visited on us poor wretches by men who were not, in many regards, of the mainstream world. Only yesterday in another thread I was talking about the SVP which I was a member of when I was in the sixth form, going out to help elderly and lonely people. I've frequently exonerated the Catholic Church on account of the fact that it isn't too hard to stop being a Catholic. No-one threatens to cut off your head, for example. I've stated several times that I know that the vast majority of clergy operate with only good intent and goodwill, even though they're deluded in some of what they promote. In thirteen years of being raised in Catholic schools, including going on a good number of residential trips, and later teaching in a Catholic school for seven years, I never witnessed nor caught wind of any sexual abuse. But none of that warm, cuddly stuff can water down my strong opinion that religion is far more a force for harm in the world than a force for good. Which is not to say for one second that it's all harm and no good. But the Church HAS dragged its feet badly over sexual abuse and it HAS condoned the mistreatment of women and it HAS been utterly unreal in its teachings about contraception and those teachings HAVE caused harm, and it HAS been misogynistic and it HAS been antisemitic. And it IS OK to bring that stuff up and to do so is NOT bigotry. Religion is just one of many topics of conversation on this website and OK, some posters are opportunistic in making their points at times. But I don't see any obsession here. The people you accuse discuss issues all and sundry, and religion is a little way down the popularity chart. By accusing people of bigotry you are simply keeping the fire aflame, Joe. Not helping. Just because you're discussing a matter for which the Church is rightly being criticised, it doesn't mean that you have to include balance in every post. I've put balance in this post but you still think I'm a bigot, don't you?