The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163541   Message #3903651
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
03-Feb-18 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: Is 'Trad music' sexist?
Subject: RE: Is 'Trad music' sexist?
To almost all women that I know, their role in giving birth and nurturing a family are their proudest achievement

You have such low expectations of women. Of course we're proud of our children, but that is one portion of a woman's life. We're multi-taskers. The example I set for my children was to get an advanced degree, to work hard, to do artistic, creative, socially relevant things - which is only possible if I was out there doing all of those things for them to see. They learned to cook for themselves, but they also learned to think for themselves. Those were great links, Jim, but so was Bonzo's last link. Do you think we don't understand history, Ake? Bowdlerizing lyrics seems to me to be the act taken from a conservative stance. Liberals understand about teachable moments. My liberal folklorist folksinging father wouldn't think of changing the lyrics, but he made sure to explain what the song was about. There's nothing like the story of a maiden forced to marry a lord she doesn't love who turns herself into a tree to teach a present-day young woman that resistance is always important and that today we're better than that father.