The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163587   Message #3904802
Posted By: Mr Red
10-Feb-18 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: What sea shanties did Blackbeard know?
Subject: RE: What sea shanties did Blackbeard know?
The main problem is that you had to be there to know.

Given that there had to be someone there to note and document something that was of little interest to those not at sea, means there isn't going to be much of a record anyway.

And what evidence there might just possibly be, is never guaranteed to be where you expect it.

I well remember seeing a documentary on Robert Graves. He sang "the Front Line Wire" and the version differed in revealing ways to the "Old Barbed Wire". Roy Palmer was very appreciative I had a VHS of it. And his book was already quite comprehensive on versions of the song. He tried to get the BBC to release better footage.

Now how many peeps would watch TV as genuine Folk research?

I would say write yer own and check out Shakespeare, , and, may I add another snippet, Shakespeare was known to lift passages, words and all from other writers.

Daily Telegraph Saturday Feb 10 2018, p13
"Plagiarism software spots new source for Shakespeare"
viz from the writings of George North - ambassador to Sweden

Project Guttenburg - the Tempest (et al) free downloads go search PAL. But search for bow and you will find a sprit not a line. And then go back before Ariel and read. There are words that they would have used then that you could lift.
The song doesn't have to be long unless it is a "musical".

A minor point - Burbage was from the West Country so mummerset accents might be appropriate. But Bill Shake never spoke in a Brummie accent.