The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163413   Message #3905069
Posted By: Richie
11-Feb-18 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Seventeen Come Sunday/Waukrife Mammy
Subject: RE: Origins: Seventeen Come Sunday/Waukrife Mammy

I have three Scottish children's song versions. One is from Mudcat and it's in the DT however, I can find no source for it other than the poster says it was collected in 1964. Anyone know more about this?

Whaur Are Ye Gaun, My Bonnie Wee Lass?

    Whaur are ye gaun, ma bonnie wee lass,
       Whaur are ye gaun, ma dearie?
    Whaur are ye gaun, ma bonnie wee lass?
       A message for ma mammie.

    Will I come wi you, ma bonnie wee lass,
       Will I come wi you, ma dearie?
    Will I come wi you, ma bonnie wee lass?
       I'll hae to ask ma mammie.

    What did she say, ma bonnie wee lass,
       What did she say, ma dearie?
    What did she say, ma bonnie wee lass?
       She'll tell me come next Sunday.

    Will you marry me, ma bonnie wee lass,
       Will you marry me, ma dearie?
    Will you marry me, ma bonnie wee lass,
       And never heed your mammie?

    I'll marry you, ma bonnie wee lad,
       I'll marry you, ma dearie,
    I'll marry you, ma bonnie wee lad,
       But I'll hae to bring ma mammie.

Richie (also posted to another thread)