The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30385   Message #390578
Posted By: Ella who is Sooze
05-Feb-01 - 02:06 PM

now everyone, this is getting really complex... too many cooks, spoil the you know what...

Well, personally speaking, I have only been paltalking for 2/3 weeks. Before that I rarely had time to go on hear me and found it a bit of a pain. I have been a mudcatter for around 3 years, and find it very valuable.

Now, the one thing I noticed about the open room on paltalk, was that we met a few people, namedly NamFrank etc who may not be mudcatters, I'm not sure.... but I enjoyed their contribution to the room.

One thing with the closed room, is that we may not come across new people, like Alison has mentioned and a few others... now this would be a shame.

This discussion is getting out of hand, people are just going on about the obvious and people are starting to chase their own tails...

What about... this... if the room is mainly open - but 2-3 times a week it is a closed room, where people who may be a bit more reserved than, lets see... me (hem hem - I'm bold out, as my auntie calls me - brass neck as my grandad used to say) can go to air out new songs amongst friends - or play their new instrument - for some valuable feed back.

But I do feel it is detremental (big word for me - after doing a long days course) to the general ethos, which I believe the mudcat to stand for.... Sharing music, amongst others, passing on a digital tradition. It is great to hear tunes and songs from all over the place, and I think it is a fantastic idea...

So come on folks... lets compromise - this is how sicilian grudges take off, is part of the reason why there is so many problems around the world... no one makes a compromise...

Though... at the same time... I said it would be a shame to miss out on the open rooms, I don't really mind at all - as I like all the stuff I hear on the rooms.. SO either way, I am not that bothered... but I think it would be a shame...

so what do you think? 2-3 times a week locked room, to give people a chance to try out new things... etc amongst 'friends'... a kind of sounding board room - a place to air out the new things.... the rest of the time open... and if people want an open one at the same time as the closed one.. then so be it...

Please, can we get over this already...
