The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143483   Message #3906098
Posted By: Jos
16-Feb-18 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Never heard of Ash Wednesday?
Subject: RE: BS: Never heard of Ash Wednesday?
Nigel Parsons said:
"I've never understood why Lent ends on Easter Sunday (or Maundy Thursday).
If it commemorates Christ's 40 days of fasting in the desert it should end with His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday."

At the time, I thought that made sense ... but isn't there something missing? My memory of the bible story is a bit vague, with a childhood of church on Sundays and school religious assemblies mostly delivering disjointed readings of seemingly random excerpts.
But wasn't the spell in the wilderness followed by some baptising, preaching, miracles, curing the sick, turning water into wine, feeding the five thousand, having a bit of a tantrum in the temple, walking on water ...
If the Lenten fast is to end with Palm Sunday, wouldn't it last several years, not just 40 days?

OK, everybody, back to talking about cheese.