The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163661   Message #3907334
Posted By: Donuel
23-Feb-18 - 03:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: They do Something about US guns
Subject: RE: BS: They do Something about US guns
From: olddude - PM
Date: 22 Feb 18 - 11:26 PM

I would go on record and say probably 80% of people who own firearms shouldn't and anyone owning an AR should not have a butter knife .. my humble opinion from a guy who reloads and shoots hell, I fart bullets ... but few have my training very few

Dan you are being too humble. Using a different example there are lots of violins out there and 95% of the players of those violins - shouldn't.

Only people who have the discipline to devote 10,000 hours of their life practicing ever become masters. (like old dude) The remainder of players are in it for the fun but make lots of mistakes. At least those wincing mistakes are not deadly. With guns when mistakes are impulsive the result is madness.

I'm sure we have all sick and tired of gun-violins.

I'll get me hat.