The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163707   Message #3908976
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Mar-18 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual impropriety at Westminster
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual impropriety at Westminster
"I never have and never would say such a ludicrous and disgusting thing you filthy lying shit."
That is exactly what you said - two labour accusations of rape are far worse than anything else happening
"Dave said
"I have only intimated that there are more accusations of rape within Labour than other parties.
That is only your view, not a fact"
You responded
"It is a fact and I stand by it until someone produces similar accusations from within other parties.
If they were made they would certainly be reported."
Accusations of rape and sexual assault - even pedophilia have been pouring out for even a decade now - many of them have b=centred around politicians, Ministers, members of the House of Lords, High up Civil Servants - priests company direactors, memnbers of the Arts hierarchy ....
To claim that the pitifully few (and as yet unproven) accusations against Labour politicians is in any way significant in the tsunami of revelations is simple politicking on your part a squalid return to your "over-representation" claims about Muslims and Travellers
As far as I am concern, you are preying on the horrific events that are now coming to light - you are as much a sexual predator as are some of those monsters
No genuine human being behaves like that
Jim Carroll