The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163707   Message #3909229
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Mar-18 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual impropriety at Westminster
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual impropriety at Westminster
Keith: "They are already on their second woman leader, two more than any other party."

Me: "In fact, UKIP have had a woman leader and the Greens have had two. The SNP have one right now."

Keith: " avoid nit-picking from obfuscators I should have specified the 3 main national parties.
SNP is not national. Greens have 1 MP and UKIP none."

You see, Keith, this is the heart of your credibility problem here. You got this plain wrong. It's such a blatant untruth that I can't believe that any sentient being would read it back to themselves before posting it and not realise what a goofball remark it was. The woman leader point, a brainless addendum to the error when you consider the two women in question, simply compounds the outrage. And finally, when challenged over stating a clear falsehood you characterise your challenger as being a nit-picking obfuscator. You were WRONG, Keith, blatantly so, and the challenge is perfectly clear, the very opposite of obfuscation. Disreputable behaviour, Keith, what we've come to expect from you and a great illustration as to why we can't trust a single thing you say.