The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163707   Message #3909670
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
05-Mar-18 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sexual impropriety at Westminster
Subject: RE: BS: Sexual impropriety at Westminster
My mother has dementia - we are so glad she never learned how to use a computer or the internet.

My sister who passed away several years back,
had mental health problems, was a manipulative self obsessive martyr,
and as far as I could tell, unhealthily out of control on the internet.
If she were still alive, who knows what serious problems she would now be causing on social networks
for anyone who she took a petty dislike to....???

I say this because of my own experience with problematic folks close to me;
my awarenes of mudcat's aging members,
and concern for the well being of certain difficult individuals....'s best to not get drawn into pointless conflict with them.
but also not helpful to respond by being hostile and insulting when they exasperate and antagonise us....

.. but i'm no angel.. so occasional sarcasm is ok when fed up reading their nonsense...