The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3909681
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
05-Mar-18 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
I decided it was time to empty the bins arranged by garment size in my closet. The smallest size is 8, but it'll be a while till I can fit into size 8 again - the stuff in there is really nice and I'll be sorry not to have the garments if I do reach that point, but anyway - that little "what about eBay?" question crossed my mind as I was preparing to bag them for the Goodwill. Someone else in the same situation I was in, with a modest budget but needing serviceable and attractive pants and slacks to wear to work, including some gorgeous black jeans, linen pants, wool pants, gabardine khakis, and more, will have an opportunity to bid for the lot on eBay. If it doesn't sell, then they can go to Goodwill.

A care package was dispatched to my son; he's getting to be a good cook but from his standpoint it's still nice to have your favorite banana bread shipped in time for your birthday. Soon it will be too warm to ship such delicacies from my location; the hot weather that the parcel travels through causes it to mold pretty quickly.

Making progress around here as I've continued to file, shred, and put things away. Spring must be near!