The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30463   Message #391052
Posted By: catspaw49
05-Feb-01 - 10:31 PM
Thread Name: Railroad Song Buffs--Check Here Please
Subject: RAILROAD SONG BUFFS--Check Here Please
Yeah, I like them too and as the son of an engineer, I've alwyas had a special attachment to some of them. Here's the deal.

Back home in Dennison is a depot made famous as "Dreamsville" during WWII because of the free canteen that served almost 20% of the soldiers travelling by rail during that time. Its now wonderfully restored and has excursion train services through the valley, some by steam. If you are ever in the area, stop by in Dennison, Ohio.

The director there asked me for a "good list of railroad songs" .... say 20 or so. So I sat down and wrote back a list with links to words, etc. Then I got to thinking about all the conversations we've had here and also included that I'd "check with some knowledgable friends."

You don't need to post a long list of songs and where I can find them, but I would like your top 3,4, 6, whatever. Pick out the ones you really like best, railroad related. I mean, I love "East Texas Red" and its sorta' railroad related. So pick out your favorites and post them (link lyrics if you like).....don't go to a lot of trouble, but I think it would eventually add to an intriguing list.

Thanks advance!!!
