The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3910670
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Mar-18 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Charmion, that is the kind of editing project to drive one round the bend. If the editors insist the copyediting is complete when a task is handed to me there are usually a few corrections to be made (I can do those) but after it is designed the only change should be typos, not content. At least InDesign has a good find/replace feature.

The house ( is spacious, but I agree with Charmion, ask about those windows and the electric. That's a nice big basement for shop activities. The creeping decor changes from over the decades will have to be treated as part of the charm of the place. :)

My attention shifts to outdoor work today and I foresee several trips to Home Depot. The alternative is to drag the kids' wagon over to the bridge and drag buckets of creek pebbles up to the house as part of this project, but the pebbles aren't uniformly small so they're harder to work with than store-bought pea gravel.