The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3911208
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
15-Mar-18 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Mary, the computer knew the account was active once I downloaded the newest Malwarebytes version, but that disappearance is disconcerting.

A large black bag of crumbling nursery trays and pots is at the curb for regular trash; I never managed to generate enough bulky stuff to put out for the large-scale pickup that can happen any day this week in my part of the village. I did clear out files and the resulting six-inch stack of papers with account numbers would have taken ages to shred and another bag to fill but I bought a 20-gallon burning barrel to put that stack of documents in on end and propped up with a couple bricks. They burned for several hours and I prodded them to keep from smoking. The barrel will live under a shelf in my greenhouse, it isn't super sturdy and would probably rust if left outdoors, but for burning documents a couple of times a year it is perfect.

A week of spring break has contributed to the clearance of a number of parts of the house, but I usually leave the radio on in the kitchen and it has been depressing to listen to so much political news. I've switched over to the classical station for a while. (Keeping a radio on to a station with conversations all day long is one of those home-security tips - someone considering breaking in will hear voices and think twice.)

Dorothy, good luck with all of that house juggling. It sounds interesting despite the amount of labor involved. I spoke with a neighbor yesterday about our gardens - we use the same handyman for some of our heavy lifting and outdoor tasks, and as late as gardens are going in this year (so much rain made the soil unworkable) that handyman is probably going to be very busy visiting neighbors to till garden spots.