The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24300   Message #3912013
Posted By: Jon Freeman
20-Mar-18 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: How many Mudcats have cats!?
Subject: RE: How many Mudcats have cats!?
Yes, S. Cats all have their, hmm, “catty traits” but there is plenty of scope for “individualism” too. You do get to find what they really like, eg. Mewan is quite fond of having her tummy tickled – Oedipuss was too but in a different way, it was a trap with him – the grab with front claws and kick with back feet stunt. And they can develop these routines and expect you to play your part.

Of words/noises, a few Mewan understands are “No”(mostly taken notice of), “Come on” (asking her to move/a signal that she will be moved) and “eek eek” (food – a sort of imitation of a noise she makes). I don’t do it often but it can be quite funny when she is resting. The rest of her can stay still but you can try her name or these things and watch the different responses by her tail twitching.