The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163858   Message #3913379
Posted By: CupOfTea
27-Mar-18 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: Still missing, after all these years...
Subject: Still missing, after all these years...
As I was contemplating the influence of Folk Legacy Records as a result of Sally Rogers' GO FUND ME campaign for the wellbeing of Caroline Paton, some of the names started me down memory lane, to performers I still miss keenly.

Jean Redpath was the first to come to mind - very fond of her singing, repertoire, humor, and also her sociability when we were fortunate enough to present her.

Rick Fielding - missed my chance to meet or hear in person, but adored from the time Caroline pressed his album into my hands. Reading old posts of him here reminds me what I've lost by not knowing him.

Art Theime... Lucky enough to know him, and hear him dozens of times. All the Craig Johnson songs he championed, the stories and songs so intertwined.    His compatriots, George and Gerry Armstrong, so much an foundation to trad song for my time in Chicago.

Gamble Rogers - I cherish memories of the once I saw him live & feels like his too early death robbed us all of some of the best humor - a national treasure that hadn't come to maturity.

Andy M. Stewart - Oh, Lord, what a load of fun he was, on and off stage! Huge loss, his decline and death so young.

John Renborn - brilliant, kind, font of gorgeous tunes and great songs. A full life, but still too soon.

There are local folks in my memory of those I miss, whose names won't mean much here, but I'm wondering who the rest of you miss, folks who've passed on, whose music filled your heart and informed your musical tastes.

Joanne in Cleveland