The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #333   Message #39138
Posted By: John in Brisbane
23-Sep-98 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Song for the Mira (Allister MacGillivray)^^^
Subject: RE: Song for the Mira
I finally tracked down the original score last night. Thanks to Ron for doing the work of transcription to Midi.

For the record the copyright attribution is:

Words and Music by Allister MacGillivray
Copyright 1975 by CABOT TRAIL MUSIC, Mississauga, Ontario.

And for Tim's paranoia about tempo, the arranger (in this case Stuart Calvert) suggests Allegretto with a tempo of 120 - 126 quarter beats per minute, (you know those solid dots with a single tail, three to the bar in 3/4 time). It would take someone more musically advanced to advise whether Tim is spot on with his suggested tempo of 250, or that Tim is really that hyped up.
