The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163811   Message #3913923
Posted By: Iains
29-Mar-18 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
Subject: RE: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
"That hits the nail on the head - at one time it had somthiung to do with feeding the people - no more"

Yes. The good old days when subsistence agriculture ruled ok. With a bad harvest you had famine, and the basic diet was potage. Be interesting to see how Britain could feed itself by breaking up all the farms into smaller units, could be a bit of a problem especially in the greater London area of 35million. What are you going to do? rip up the tarmac? That becomes contaminated ground as soon as you break it out.
Zimbabwe offers a fine blueprint as to what happens when you destroy the big farms. After thinking long and hard I cannot see any other purpose for agriculture , other than feeding people. Perhaps you can enlighten me?
"devastating effect widespread afforestation is causing in the Borders"
Sure is! In Ireland besides the basic farm payment you get around 250euros/ha for 15 years for planting hardwoods. Yeah really devastating!gimme more.
"I've given you the facts of Norfolk based on talking to people there, I've given you the facts of The Somerset Levels" Facts that need severe qualification to make any kind of sense-as I have pointed out!
"as with our coal and steel and shipbuilding... and all the other industries we've lost" This is a hoary old favourite of yours. You know full well you are spouting absolute bollocks on this subject.
If you had your way all our traditional industries would be going full pelt and their output rusting on the docks because the heavily subsidised workforce made everything too expensive for anyone to want to buy. Your socialist utopia is an economic nightmare. It ain't ever going to happen, so why not just forget the idea. You roll out the same nonsense week after week.