The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163811   Message #3913933
Posted By: Gutcher
29-Mar-18 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
Subject: RE: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
A slight {very} modern balancing of the odds.
My late friend Gregor, his was the first croft on the right as you left Kingussie, heading north, sitting at his breakfast one morning answered a knock at the door,the gentleman there introduced himself to Gregor as his new landlord--come away in ma mannie an sit ye doon--too early for a dram? weel am shair ye"ll tack a cup o tea.
The tea being duly poured the new landlord set about the business he had in hand:- Mr McKenzie I am offering the crofters on my estate the chance to buy their crofts and the price to you for your place will be £76,000, this I am sure you will consider a great bargain, never to be repeated. Aye aye laddie I"ll jist buy the bit placie an he raxed doon fae ahint the tea caddie his cheque book, wrote out a cheque and passed it over-saying jist hae yer man o business send on the title deeds please.
Whats this Mr McKenzie--this cheque is for the sum of £1200 surely you have made a great mistake--naa, naa ma mannie nae mistake on my pairt bir a great yin on your legal advisors, aam jalousin they come fae the sooth side o the Tweed aan haenae a richt unerstaunin o croftin legislation which states that a crofter mun pay 14 times his annual rent for the purchase of his croft.
I thank you for your time maa man an look forward tae bein a laird like yersel---guid mornin tae ye.