The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30378   Message #391394
Posted By: catspaw49
06-Feb-01 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: Prayers/thoughts for Winters Wages
Subject: RE: Prayers/thoughts for Winters Wages
Been thinkin' about you WW and just yesteerday Karen and I were talking about the very thing that Hollowfox brought girl there even if she does live in Youngstown. Fear is normal and that you're scared is a damn good thing! On the other hand.............

We just had another couple rough days and a friend said, "Boy you guys have really had your share the past few years. I don't know how you do it." Well the first point is that I'd like to have a talk with the clown that divides up the shares! What "shares" are available and can I be assured of getting a good dividend on ours? Better yet, can I sell ours?

The real point is that as you're going through it, there's always an initial shock/fear thing, but then we all tend to assimilate it into our daily lives. Karen and I were discussing that. We really don't notice or feel that we've been 'under the gun,' so to speak, because when you're in the middle of it, another wonderful thing your mind does is to take that really abnormal situation and make it normal and routine. From the good things I know of you after sharing this forum with you and friends of yours for several years, I'd say you'll be there before too long. The "fears" will be fleeting moments as you go about all the other details of your life which will now include some other things, like treatments and appointments. Soon you'll be concerned over the dumb stuff once not being late for some medical thing.....and life will seem normal. Trust me a little bit Lloyd.....If you let it happen, it will.

And remember, you're stuck with all the friends here who are thinking nothing but the best for you. And you know, it could be worse!!! You could be living in Youngstown......some things you just can't get past.
