The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163811   Message #3913994
Posted By: Senoufou
30-Mar-18 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
Subject: RE: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
Well I live in Norfolk and have done for forty years, and in a sense you're all right. There has been much soil erosion due to hedge removal to allow access for the combines, agricultural overuse of the land and chemical fertilisers, weed killers, herbicides and so on. The earth has become compressed by the heavy machinery. But I haven't seen much land abandoned or left to itself.
I know of two such examples, cheerfully called 'set-aside', and I reckon there will be housing plonked on them in due course.

I know three farmers, two in our village and one out near Great Snoring, and they all view farming as a commercial concern. They aren't particularly interested in wildlife, nature or conservation.

BUT there has been much re-planting of hedges (farmers are paid handsomely for each young sapling put in!) and many fields now have the uncultivated belt around the edges for wildlife encouragement.

Our village apiarist (he has numerous hives in many fields around our village) says that his bees are fine and he's quite optimistic about their future.
Finally, there has been much renewed activity in clearing drainage ditches and maintaining the water control of the land lately.