The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163811   Message #3913997
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Mar-18 - 06:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
Subject: RE: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
Nice to know something is happening in Norfolk at last Sen but you are some way inland, if I remember rightly
Where Walter lived was once rich, productive farmland, his family worked on the last of the big farms in the area.
We spent hours walking with him, talking about the changes, bot in the countryside and the local towns
He described how the population had shrunk to the point that even the pubs had disappeared apart from those that could draw a living from tourism - the minute children reached working age, they moved out - the lucky ones to Norwich, but mainly to London.
in the Wineretime, towns like Cromer and Yarmouth became ghost-towns
My sister describes the picture in Somerset as being similar