The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #333 Message #39140
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Sep-98 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Song for the Mira (Allister MacGillivray)^^^
Subject: RE: Song for the Mira
It does sound a bit slow, Tim. Part of that, I think, is a flaw in the way MIDITXT makes ABC's from Noteworthy MIDI's. Alan Foster has promised to fix that for us, but unfortunately he gets distracted at times - I think he works for a living, or something. 250 is way too fast, though. There are parts of the tune that don't sound the same as the tune I know - anybody got any corrections? Say, John, as an Australian, are you allowed to say "quarter beats"? I thought all you folks down there were kind of crotchety about stuff like that. ....Yeah, I know, it's not up to the high standards of humor that Art Thieme has set for us, but at least I tried... -Joe Offer-