The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163811   Message #3914018
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Mar-18 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
Subject: RE: BS: Excellent Highland Clearances discussion
"Jim No one denies that modern farming has faults "
It's not really modern farming that is the problem - debatable as that is.
It's the philosophy that "if it's not profitable, it's not worth doing"
Farmers who worked their land looked after it, not out of ecological consciousness necessarily, but out of self-preservation
Employees of internationals don't do that and their employers certainly their duty is as quick a profit turnover as possible, whatever the cost to the environment.
It was local knowledge in North Norfolk that the land was being farmed by the multis with a view that it would only be viable for about five years before it became unplantable through overuse - even the chemicals that were used had a time-limit.
Afforestation in that beautiful land north of Locherbie, in the borders was carried out knowing that the sheddings from the trees would poison the land for future use for decades to come
That is our children's inheritance - a wasteland created for profit
Doesn't suit me, I'm afraid
Jim Carroll