The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163884   Message #3915654
Posted By: beardedbruce
06-Apr-18 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: On the cause of Famines
Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
So anyone who calls you out is a troll?

You have lost. Just squirm away, and stop making up lies about other people.

"I have never lke the Jewish People with the actions of the Israeli Government - you have
When someone makes such a serious charge I expect a shred of evidence - none forthcoming"

"I have never lke the Jewish People with the actions of the Israeli Government - you have
You are doing exactly that now"

How, by stating that YOU have said
04 Apr 18 - 01:38 PM

"That certainly is a far-Left viewpoint. Thank you for presenting it. "

"So holocaust survivors no longer have a say in Israel if they don't embrace extremist right politics
Thank you for confirming that thais has nothing to do with either the Jewish peoplem or humanitarianism
What a hatefully inhuman remark and what a wonderful way to commemorate six million dead remark"

Your read of what someone calling a viewpoint far Left is indicative of a certain lack of... reason? HOW DOES MY STATEMENT mean anything like what YOU state?

" I expect a shred of evidence "

Too bad. When YOU provide it for others, you might be obliged. YOUR opinion does not count as fact. Nor do your sentiments.