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Thread #163884   Message #3915689
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Apr-18 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: On the cause of Famines
Subject: RE: BS: On the cause of Famines
"You conveniently left out that there were two Russian revolutions!
No I didn't - it hadn't anything to do with the argument
The soldiers had no intention of going back to the war by that time they had been joined by the workers and peasants who were equally determined not to continue with the war - the country had by then reached starvation point due to the shortages
The debates that lasted several days were decided on by the fact that the Leaders were divided a and the Bolsheviks won
The only supporters of returning to the Front were the officer Class - the Kadets, who were routed from The Winter palace in St Petersberg (later Leningrad - been there!!) but the masses of workers and soldiers
All this is weell documented , but the best account is by American reporter, John Reed, who gives a superb eye-witness account along with many of the debates in his highly readable 'Ten Days That Shook the World' later made into a Hollywood epic 'Reds' by Warren Beatty in 1981
The Civil War that followed was started by the right who wished to return to teh old feudal system - it was backed by fourteen countries including Germany, Britain Japan, France and the US
The outside espionage that went on in the following period to bring the Soviets down reached television mini-series status with 'Reilly, Ace of Spies', based on a real spy's memoures
The rest of your posting is Cold-War garbage - poverty and violence was largely caused by opposition to attempts to change society in countries that had starved for centuries (You mentioned China - try the writings of William Hinton for a description of pre-revolutionary China)
The supreme example of outside influence was the quarter-century Vietnamese war - first Japan, then France and finally fourteen years of chemical warfare by an army that proposed to "Nuke the Slants back into the Stone-age" General Westmoreland)
Go read a book and shake Joe McCarthy off your back - you seem never to have graduated beyond GI Joe and The Blackhawks comics
Jim Carroll