The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6679   Message #39159
Posted By:
23-Sep-98 - 09:25 PM
Thread Name: I've Got A Song To Sing
Subject: I've Got A Song To Sing
i am desperatly looking for three songs... and words to any or all of them would be grand.

the first is the song I've Got A Song To Sing. Some of the lyrics are 'i've got a song to sing, oh sing me your song, oh..."

the second is a song i have no title for but some lyrics are 'as i rode out one autumn evening fair to walk with water stone and tree..."

the thrid song is also titleless as far as i know and goes, 'where have you been my dearest dear, been seven long years or more."

thank you ever so much for any help you can offer.

Terr Windkin