The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #333   Message #39162
Posted By: John in Brisbane
23-Sep-98 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Song for the Mira (Allister MacGillivray)^^^
Subject: RE: Song for the Mira
Yes Joe, because my wife had a classical music training and came from a family with a shearing background, I naturally assume that when she says "crotchet" she really means the process of preventing sheep's' arses from becoming infected with blow-fly maggots during our hot summers. Quaver to me means some form of modulation of the voice, usually associated with some form of excitement, not necessarily carnal.

To avoid this sort of confusion I have resorted to the nomenclature used in US based notation packages. Like many Australians I am most concerned about the subjugation of our language and culture from overseas (largely US) influences - but quarter notes etc are eminently more logical, and even members of the Queen's Commonwealth are likely to understand the lingo.
