The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163932   Message #3916763
Posted By: G-Force
12-Apr-18 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: concertinas
Subject: RE: concertinas
Thanks for all the info, looks like it’s going to be a fascinating new musical land to explore!

You're certainly right about that. But the type of concertina you get tends to lead you in the direction of what music you'll be able to play.

If you're mainly interested in melody, then either the Anglo or English will do - both have their strengths and both have their limitations. If you're deeper into music and understand harmony, basslines etc., then you might well consider a Duet of which there are at least four different kinds (Maccann, Crane, Jeffries, Wicki/Hayden), again each with their own characteristics which will tend to lead you on.

Good luck.