The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163934   Message #3916934
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
12-Apr-18 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fresh Air- Sometimes I Don't Like Terry Gross
Subject: RE: BS: Fresh Air- Sometimes I Don't Like Terry Gross
Today I discovered a program called On Point that has apparently been on other public radio stations since 2001 or so. I always listened to the Diane Rehm Show (live from 9-11 Central time) in which each hour was a specific topic. I mourned when my local station dropped back to just one hour to run a new locally produced program called Texas Standard. It is poor replacement, so I tried to remember to stream the second hour of Rehm. And then she (in her 80s) retired after the 2016 election. Boy, was that a mistake! She would have so much stuff to discuss, but anyway, I've had filler programs playing here, an extra hour of Morning Edition or the BBC News. Today when I heard On Point I found my answer to Diane's absence, and it plays live from 9-11 my time. Looking at a coverage map they're nowhere near the large urban areas in Texas, but I'll stream it from WBUR.