The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163915   Message #3917666
Posted By: Donuel
16-Apr-18 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
Subject: RE: BS: useful versus useless idiots...???
What ever our respective nation we call home, our citizens, our communities are bound by certain laws but the foundation of those laws are based on compassion and fairness, NOT who ever trumpets moral superiority loudest or who should be beatup, locked up or killed because a bully says so.

Just look at the kind of "peeple" who shout moral superiority and what slimeballs should be locked up. Moral equivalencies are replacing our foundation of compassion and humanity for some. But not all. Not me and probably not you.

The Russian troll once fed will follow you home. There should be no surprise about its insatiable hunger to lie. I see no further purpose outlining more examples of propaganda posts. I would rather high light good posts. But well done all the same.