The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163989   Message #3918649
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
20-Apr-18 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Britain shamed before world - Windrush
Subject: BS: Britain's shame - Windrush
It's hard to remember a more shameful episode than has been exposed in the "Windrush" affair. Thousands of people from Commonwealth countries, who have been living and working for half a century or more, with every legal right to be here, bullied and threatened by the British government, in many cases deprived of their right to work or rent a home, or even drive a car, or have needed medical treatment; even locked up while waiting to be deported to countries which they may never have seen.

So far we don't know how many people were actually deported, let alone how many gave up and went into exile in face of unrelenting bureaucratic bullying. The Home Office evidently does not bother to keep records of stuff like that - fittingly enough, since they made a point of destroying all the records they had of their arrivals.

And the person personally responsible for all this, as Home Secretary at the time these policies were set in motion, and Prime Minister when they came to fruition, says "sorry for any anxiety caused". Yes, she's embarrassed now it has become impossible to shrug it off in the way it has been shrugged off for years while case after case of appalling injustice has been reported to her. But not a hint of the response that would be more appropriate than embarrassment - a sense of shame.

But of course if she had any sense of shame about this she would resign. Failing that she should be sacked. I hope the Opposition tables a motion of censure. It would be interesting to see which MPs would have the brass neck to oppose it.