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Thread #164041   Message #3920435
Posted By: beardedbruce
27-Apr-18 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Sharpville
In the US, the Washington Post is to the Left of center.

I point out that BOTH sides are making statements- and it is up to US to determine the facts as best we can, not to simply accept one side OR THE OTHER as TRUE.

"The point of this exceptionally brave man's statement is that the UN (and the rest of the world) are staying silent about what was happening "

As usual, YOUR point can be proven to be false- The UN HAS spoken about this. Why lie when the truth is in YOUR favor?

"Geneva (AFP) - The UN rights chief on Friday urged Israeli forces to stop using excessive force against Palestinian protesters and called for troops who have committed abuses "to be held accountable."

"Every week, we witness instances of use of lethal force against unarmed demonstrators," the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, said in a statement.

"Warnings by the United Nations and others have seemingly gone unheeded, as the approach of the security forces from week to week does not seem to have changed," he added.

Forty-two Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since March 30, according to the UN. "

"It is difficult to see how children, even those throwing stones, can present a threat of imminent death or serious injury to heavily protected security force personnel," he added.

The Israeli army says its troops only open fire in self-defence or to stop protesters attempting to breach the barrier separating the territory from Israel."

But I would STILL like to see video OF THE ENTIRE AREA before stating what the TRUTH actually is- IMO, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein might have a small bias in his statement. At least as large as the Israeli Army's. THEY can be held responsible for their actions- HE cannot, for his words.

"Judge Daniel Teperberg sentenced Deri to nine months in prison, and ordered him to pay Nuwara's family 50,000 Israeli shekels, or nearly $14,000."

As opposed to the Palestinians:

"Whoever said crime doesn't pay hasn't talked to the family of a Palestinian terrorist. For the Palestine Liberation Organization and the related Palestinian Authority, the killers of Jewish Israelis are considered "martyrs." And as such, their families are paid for the service these murderers have done for the Palestinian cause.

This has come to light this week after a Palestinian, Mohammed Tarayra, stabbed Hallel Yaffa Ariel, a 13-year-old Israeli girl, as she was sleeping in her bed. The stabbing was part of a wave of attacks by Palestinians who have for nearly eight months been shooting, stabbing and running down Jews with the encouragement of social media and popular songs."