The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164041   Message #3920575
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Apr-18 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Your "Understanding Gaza" link is a somewhat dishonest piece which makes Israeli actions a 'defence against invasion' one claiming that what is happening needs to be understood in contest of imminent invasion - unarmed demonstrators "invading" a nuclear facilitated power - really!!
This is what these demonstrations are about
One in three refugees world wide is Palestinian. There are about 6.5 million Palestinian refugees worldwide. More than 3.8 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants displaced in 1948 are registered for humanitarian assistance with the United Nations.
The claim has always been that there is no room to allow the refugees to return to their homes, yet three years ago Netanyahu put out an appear for all Jewish People TO RETURN EN MASSE to Israel, making a nonsense of the 'No room at the Inn' excuse - the appeal was rejected angrily by Jewish leaders throughout the world as grotesque - at the time, some pointed out the 'Ethnically Pure' aspects of a Jewish State and its historical implications to many Jews old enough to remember what had happened to them.
I highly recommend Scharma's 'Story of the Jews' which I saw first time round (I see it is available as a box set from Sky)
I remember discussing it with Mike Grosvenor Myer on this forum - he said it was, in his opinion, an accurate account of Jewish history, though he had a few criticisms I hadn't noticed
Both of us were chilled by the long interview with the extremist Zionist settler towards the end of the series
Scharma's history, and other researches are available in book form
Jim Carroll