The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3921037
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
29-Apr-18 - 11:53 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Two-thirds of my garage is organized after a weekend of steady work. I must have swept out 20 pounds of mouse turds and I tossed a lot more volume/weight in mud dauber (wasp) nests stuck to the walls and planks. I made two trips to the village recycle bins, one trip to Goodwill, and put a number of things at the curb - most of them were picked up; this evening the last item (a funky chair frame) is stuffed with a broken plastic bin and lots of styrofoam and bags of trash.

The dog stall is clean and the bedding washed and boxed for the time being. I still have to work on two sets of shelves (screwed onto the wall), the work bench, and the corner where I keep a number of pieces of equipment (mower, trimmers, saws, etc.) There is bulky stuff to toss or donate (enclosed cat litter box, animal carry cases, etc.) and stuff I've never used I should probably sell. But the end result of this work is that while I had enough space to park in before, I can *almost* fit two cars in there now. I moved my impromptu table (a door and saw horses) to the least-cluttered side and could actually set up a spread out project and still pull the SUV in and out without being squeezed for space.