The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3922986
Posted By: wysiwyg
08-May-18 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Of course if I'd been told about the meth by my "friend" his mother... or by his younger brother.... or his parole officer....

If the friend with a key to water plants weekly had USED it instead of taking the plants home because "poor Tyler is working so hard/late that I can't wake him up" (when he had no job and was actually METH-crashing)....

Or if the neighbor who asked how many housemates I had, had been honest when I asked if there were problems....

Or if the mailman who told me ydy what a shithead the housemate was for hosting kids to drink, had called 911 or the number plastered on my front door....

Or if one of those kids' parents had called 911...

Or if the lawn service crew who watched the Horde moving out had called me...

Or if the other neighbor who wondered why she hadn't seen me but seen a woman living in my house, had texted me....

Or if the THREE kitty corner neighbors had....

Or if the cop living across from me....

Or if the neighbor who DID call me hadn't waited so long that our house was trashed....

After personally speaking with each and every one of these nice people to give our number and encourage watching out for odd things....

Yeah. "We didn't want to invade his privacy." They're all eager to have me listen to THEIR stories NOW-- but seem unable to hear mine. "Too much drama." (Class issue. Po' folks GET IT.)

Yeah. I'm having a little trouble making sense of ALL that, and nothing any wisenheimer here can say can actually help. Until it happens to you, you can't truly understand.

My social worker friend gets it. "You were conned by a drug addict. They're good at that."
