The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3924515
Posted By: wysiwyg
14-May-18 - 08:45 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Acme, Newbie had been nervous all evening with things she was hearing outside. What I heard was metallic clunking inside the house, that is not a normal sound for this house, at all. NORMAL is critters scampering on the roof.

Police arrived quickly; but I think the panic button folks and the very loud tone the unit sounded scared them off. Now whether they were inside or still outside-- I'll never know. But a robust security system is on the way.

The paranoid thought is that they'll do this from the outside often enough for 911 to start ignoring me, and then come in hard and hot to pay me a visit. So I hope the security system comes quickly.

The other end of the spectrum of possibility is that it's JUST paranoia. (So I hope the security system comes quickly.)

The reality is probably somewhere in between. So I hope the security system comes quickly.

I was joking with the friend who has taken over researching which system, this morning, in a mad interval of black humor. "Why couldn't it have been a heroin group? These meth-heads stay up too damn late for me!"

But in all seriousness, meth.... that's a kind of crazy I'm not trained in. So it's hard to gauge anything. Which is why..... I hope the security system comes quickly.
