The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128220   Message #3928309
Posted By: Steve Gardham
31-May-18 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: The Advent and Development of Chanties
Subject: RE: The Advent and Development of Chanties
Captain Norman Yates I recorded in 1970. This is on C1009/6 tracks 5 - 23.

Sailor's Alphabet
Rio Grande
Blow the Man Down
Whiskey Johnny
Drunken Sailor
No more pulling on the lee-fore brace
Spanish Ladies
Rolling Home
Sacramento (Blackball Line)
Roll the Cotton Down
Blow, Boys, Blow
than some repeats
All accompanied on banjo.
I suspect these are more likely to be derivative.

I also have a tape somewhere I have had since the 60s which was passed on to me of a group of seamen singing chanties. I don't remember who gave me it or know who is singing on it. It didn't make it onto the BL online collection because it wasn't something I had recorded myself. It does sound like real seamen singing rather than folksingers. I'll try to find it and at least transcribe what they were singing.