The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164203   Message #3928818
Posted By: Richie
02-Jun-18 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Origins: James Madison Carpenter- Child Ballads 3
Subject: RE: Origins: James Madison Carpenter- Child Ballads 3

Here's Child's query from a Dec. 1800, Notes and Queries issue:

“The Miller And The King's Daughter.”— Jamieson, in his Popular Ballads and Songs, 1806, i. 315, prints: 1. copy of “The Miller and the King's Daughter,” as from the second edition of Musarum Deliciae, 1656. This copy presents two or three slight variations from Dr. Rimbault’s broadside of the same date, which is printed in "N&Q.,” 1st S. v. 591, and also from the copy in the 1817 reprint of Wit Restored (1658). The reprint of Musarum Deliciae: in the latter volume has not the ballad of “The Miller and the King’s Daughter,” and yet it was made with care by a person who had both the edition of 1655 and that of 1656 in his hands, which differ not in the least as to contents, according to that editor. Is there, nevertheless, a copy of Musarum Deliciae, 1656, which contains the ballad in question?

F. J. C.

Cambridge, Mass.

* * * *

This says the 1658 edition version (given by Lighter) was reprinted in 1817. Child was trying to verify the ballad in the earlier editions. He suggests that according to the editor the ballad submitted by Smith was printed in 1655 in the first edition (since it differed not in content),
