The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #100526   Message #3928950
Posted By: AWG
03-Jun-18 - 10:34 AM
Thread Name: Let's talk about the CELTIC WOMAN Women!!
Subject: RE: Let's talk about the CELTIC WOMAN Women!!
Chill ? Haha I was joking, of course I remember you being a serious sort of fellow. Anyhoo I actually haven't listened to anything of theirs for over 6 or 7 years but used to be a big fan as you might recall, some here used the word shill, haha, but now the magic is gone sorry to say, too many changes to the lineup. Sad to hear you weren't able to fulfill your dream of singing their music at the festival, stupid organizers just don't know great music when they hear it.
Oh well, we have One Direction now, (and Justin Bieber) so many changes on the music front since I was last here, maybe you could do some of their stuff ? just kidding. Take 'er easy Joe Joe.