The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164271   Message #3929335
Posted By: Bob TB
05-Jun-18 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Sound and hearing aids
Subject: Tech: Sound and hearing aids
I made my first foray into the world of "dance for dancers" for over 40 years at Chippenham Festival - but only as a sound engineer. I was approached by at least 3 people explaining to me, sometimes at length, what I needed to do to make the caller and band comprehensible to those with hearing aids. This is apparently a fair part of the audience. A discussion on the same subject ensued on Facebook this week and it seems this is a growing issue in dance circles (pun intended).

I an curious that the subject has never been raised with me in a concert setting. I am wondering how concert goers with hearing aids cope. Is there an unspoken issue that needs attention? Should festivals be doing more - like providing a feed to any induction loop? What can the sound engineer do to help?

(And it's time I revived my account and posted something other than obits on here).