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Thread #104210   Message #3931544
Posted By: GUEST,DK
17-Jun-18 - 11:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Loch Lein
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Loch Lein
This is from the Sigerson version of 'Poets & Poetry of Munster.'

        The following song was supplied to us some years ago by Mr. Conor Mac Sweeny, a gentleman well
known to Irish scholars through his edition of the "Songs of the Irish," &c., published in 1844.
who took it down from the recital of his mother, an excellent Irish singer. It is very popular in
the South of Ireland — more particularly in the locality which it commemorates. Killarney is the most
attractive place of resort now in Ireland, being visited by tourists from all parts of the world. It
has also been immortalised in Fenian poetry, as a place of general resort by the Fianna Eirionn, or
Irish Militia, for hunting the red deer, with which the coimtry then abounded. In one of these poems,
published in the Fourth Volume of the Ossianic Society Transactions (see p. 201), it is stated that
vast amount of treasures are buried under the waters at the northern and other sides of the lake.

        The O'Cearbhuills or O'Carrolls, were ancient chiefs of this district, but the O'Donohues,
ancestor of the present O'Donohue, M.P. dispossessed and reduced them, and erected a new territory,
to which they gave the name of Eoganacht Locha Lein. — J.O'D,

Do siúbhlas a lán spas a d-tosach mo saoighil,
O'n t-Sionainn go Ráth a's cois bánta dangin an t-sléibh:
Ní feasach aon áit ba bhreághtha a's ba dheise ná é,
An baile beag bán tá láimh le barra Loch Léin.

2. Nach aoibhin an ait na bh-fásaid torthuighe go h-úr
An dair go ró bhreág agus plána ar mhathaibh na Mhúmhan;
Crainn loingis a's báid gan tráchd ar phluma ná úbhall,
A's gur ag Ros an Chaisleain bhion mna ag seinim a d-tiuin.

3. A m-bun tortha na slógh bíon spórt ag saoithibh bá fheabhas,
Bíon fíon agus beóir ar bórd aca a m-bun tortha a ngleann;
Bíon an fiadh 'ca chum spóirt, chum ceóil an druid a's an creabhar,
An lon dubh san smólach go ceólmhar ar bharraibh na g-crann.

4. Do siúbhlas Baoi Bhearra cois Eirne, a's ar san t-soir thuaidh.
Cois Máinge gan bhréag, agus treimhse a n-arm a d-Tuamhuin
Ní fhacas aon bhall de'n méid cé gur bh-fada í mo chuaird,
Ba bhreaghtha na Loch Léin mar a m-bíonn an magh-sluagh.