The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164203   Message #3932182
Posted By: Richie
20-Jun-18 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: Origins: James Madison Carpenter- Child Ballads 3
Subject: RE: Origins: James Madison Carpenter- Child Ballads 3

The last Carpenter version of Twa Sisters is James Madison Carpenter Collection, JMC/1/4/Q, p. 07747: American, categorized under standard English versions without resuscitation stanzas, my C (form Child Y, 1770), both miller and sister are hanged.

The Two Sisters (Twa Sisters)- sung by Viola Cook of Whitesburg, Kentucky about 1938.

1. There lived an old lord by the northern sea,
Bowee down!
There lived an old lord by the northern sea,
Bow, and balance me,
There lived an old lord by the northern sea,
And he had daughters one, two, three.
I'll be true to my love,
If my love'll be true to me.

2. A young man came a courting there,
And he made the choice of the youngest fair.

3. He bought the youngest a beaver hat;
And the eldest sister didn't like that.

4   As they walked down to the water's brim,
The eldest sister pushed the youngest in.

5 "O sister, dear sister lend me your hand,
And you may have my house and land."

6   She floated down to the miller's dam;
The miller drew her safe to land.

7 And off her fingers took five gold rings,
Then into the water he plunged her again.

8 The miller was hanged on a gallows so high,
The eldest sister there close by.
* * * *
