The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164384   Message #3932734
Posted By: Jim Dixon
22-Jun-18 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Well below the Valley (Christy Moore
Subject: Lyr Add: THE WELL BELOW THE VALLEY (John Reilly)
Christy Moore cited John Reilly as his source. Fortunately, I found a recording by Reilly on Spotify. Unfortunately, several verses were omitted from this recording, without which there are serious plot holes. Did Moore hear a different recording? Did Moore combine this with another source to supply the missing bits? Or did he invent the verses he added?

As recorded by John Reilly on "Voice of the People 03: O'er His Grave the Grass Grew Green: Tragic Ballads" (1997)

For a gentleman he was passin' by.
He asked a drink as he got dry
At the well below the valley-o.

CHORUS: Green grows the lily-o
Right among the bushes-o.

"My cup it is in overflow
And if I to stoop I'll near fall in
At the well below the valley-o. CHORUS

"Well, if your true love was passin' by,
You'd fill 'im a drink if he got dry
At the well below the valley-o." CHORUS

"Well, if you're a man of the noble fame,
You'll tell to me the father o' them
At the well below the valley-o." CHORUS

"So all them came['kyem'] by your uncle Dan
At the well below the valley-o. CHORUS

"Another one by your brother John,
At the well below the valley-o." CHORUS

"Well, if you're a man of the noble 'steem,
You'll tell to me what will happen mysel'
At the well below the valley-o." CHORUS

"You'll be seven year a-ringin' a bell
At the well below the valley-o. CHORUS

"You'll be seven more a-portin' in hell
At the well below the valley-o." CHORUS

"I'll be seven year a-ringin' a bell,
But the Lord above may save my soul
From portin' in hell at the well below the valley-o." CHORUS