The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164350   Message #3933016
Posted By: Iains
24-Jun-18 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Croydon recycling will be a pain
Subject: RE: BS: Croydon recycling will be a pain
What a tiresome fellow you are jimmy. I originally said you cannot burn garden waste in Cork(in fact you cannot in Ireland. Period! No time windows. It is not allowed. ref.
You stated In fact, you cannot burn garden rubbish anywhere in rural Ireland between the beginning of March to the end of August - as I said, as my link said - in fact, as your own link said.
Wrong as usual. As I keep saying to you I check my facts. You just troll along, stalking me and merely betray your own abject ignorance of the subject.
If you wish to study chapter and verse:
From citizens information website
"It is illegal to burn household or garden waste at home or in your garden. Burning waste can be a nuisance to neighbours and can also pollute the air by releasing harmful chemicals into it."

"Burning waste is an offence under waste management legislation and the Air Pollution Act 1987. The Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by Burning) Regulations 2009 strengthen the law against waste disposal by uncontrolled burning, which is also known as backyard burning.

"Under Regulation 5, there is a limited exemption for the burning of uncontaminated waste generated by agricultural practices. Under the Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by Burning) (Amendment) Regulations 2015, this exemption will cease on 1 January 2018." For clarity waste means living material material previously cut within the time period allowed.(sept thru feb)
Further to this the burning of "moorland" is being subjected to increasing control as time passes, with permissions having to be obtained and due notice given.
Now I suggest if you wish to reply you spend a few minutes reading what I have said. Householders cannot have bonfires of garden waste.
Farmers can burn uncontaminated green waste if all other avenues of disposal are exhausted and the permissions are sought. Living vegetation is subject to the wildlife act of 1976.
Now read, assimilate and digest and stop arguing. You are merely making a fool of yourself.