The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3933074
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
24-Jun-18 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Purged old financial documents from a file and they're burning in the barrel in the back yard (next to a tub of water if extinguishing becomes necessary). I have a cross-cut shredder now, but this was a bunch of pages, the kind of thing I bought the small burning barrel for.

It only took three weeks of not being able to tune into old Columbo episodes to realize that I probably needed to rescan the TVs - an Internet check confirms the relocation of the signal in the end of May. Duh. There are several sets that need attention, including the receiver in my computer.

I was going to drive to Dallas today but find it's too hot and I have things I must do today that have a time limit (due tomorrow). Melting down already in June, not waiting till August for the dog days of summer - this is depressing.

The time has come to start my summer routine of making a large jar of iced tea for the fridge. It involves a couple of sprigs of lemon balm from the yard and nine cents worth (three bags) of green tea ($3/100 at the Big Lots) and I like it just as well as any commercial product out there.

This morning Zeke was intent on getting his breakfast, but I needed to close my eyes for a few minutes because I made the mistake of reading the news on my phone without putting on my glasses. That makes it harder to focus for a while. So I sat leaned back in a rocking chair and Zeke got pushy and wiggly and managed to knock over a 200+ year old tall case clock, knocking off the bonnet and breaking the glass on the face. I rescued the wooden works (dangling by their cords inside the cabinet) and put it back together. I'll have to replace the glass and refit the lead bell inside the works. Nothing like a hungry dog to demolish an expensive family heirloom. Lots of glass cleanup and though I swept and vacuumed I fully expect, in the next two to four weeks, to walk into the room and see a large piece of glass sitting on the floor right in the open, somehow completely missed in the cleaning. Darned clock ran for 10 minutes after all of this.